Monday, October 26, 2015

Oaxaca Running Tours - Menu Choices

Greetings, Steve Lafler here, the "Grumpy Runner". I lead running tours in and around the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. Let me know when you'll be in town and we can schedule a run. Just zip me an email and we'll set it up.

Oaxaca Run Menu

1. Runs in the hills to the north of the city. Enjoy vistas of the Oaxaca valley from the ridges of San Felipe Del Agua and Ejido Guadalupe Victoria. We start on the "Libramiento", a paved road (mostly) closed to traffic. We continue on mountain trails. These runs can be as short as 3 miles, or as long as two hours.

2. Flat-lander runs at Parque Tequio, south of the city center near the airport. Parque Tequio is a green oasis in the city, with a flat 5Kish loop. Good for those who want to avoid hills! Run as short or as far as you want, in 5K increments.

3. Interval training. If you want to train hard and fast, let's do it. There is a 400 meter track near the airport, or better yet there is a great flat stretch of road with no traffic in the hills, about 600 meters. We can run intervals as per your needs, and I can time you & call splits.

4. Interval training in the hills. If you're a glutton for punishment, we can do hill repeats until you drop.

My running tour fee is $250 pesos per hour, including driving. Drop me an email to book!

Best regards,
Steve Lafler

Finishing a 10K just before Xmas 2015. Yup, I ran too hard in the middle of the race again!

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